On-demand: Use Account Protection to Stop Account Takeovers

On-demand: Leveraging the 5 Pillars of Accertify’s Account Protection to Stop Account Takeovers


Webinar Details

  • Date:
  • Time: 9:00 AM CT

Stop Account Takeover

During these unprecedented times, many consumers have changed their shopping habits and left many of their accounts and loyalty programs dormant. Uncertain economic times bring new waves of fraudulent attacks, and fraudsters have begun to focus on the huge financial value locked up in those consumer accounts.

Increasingly sophisticated tools available to fraudsters can leave you in a panic, wondering how to detect and stop complex, account-centric attacks. At the same time, there is increased pressure to provide a user-friendly, low-friction shopping experience, and to build customer loyalty.

Join Accertify Inc. to learn about techniques to detect attacks on those accounts while simultaneously reducing friction for your good customers. Learn how Accertify’s solution measures trust using the five pillars of account protection, and how monitoring accounts in real-time can prevent losses both financial and reputational. This webinar is being presented by Accertify Inc.

Visit us at: www.Accertify.com